Two Ohio Men Wrongly Convicted of Murder Walk Free because only witness, 12 at the time, recants

Two Ohio men wrongly accused of murder experienced freedom for the first time in nearly four decades on Friday morning, but said they don’t harbor bitterness over their unjust imprisonment.

A Cleveland judge on Wednesday had dropped all charges against Ricky Jackson, 57, and Wiley Bridgeman, 60, allowing for the pair’s release.

Jackson was 19 when he was convicted along with Bridgeman and Bridgeman’s brother, Ronnie, in the 1975 shooting death and robbery of Harold Franks, a Cleveland-area money order salesman.

Testimony from a 12-year-old witness helped point to Jackson as the triggerman and led a jury to convict all three. Ronnie Bridgeman, now known as Kwame Ajamu, was paroled from prison in 2003.

Read it all from NBC.


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One comment on “Two Ohio Men Wrongly Convicted of Murder Walk Free because only witness, 12 at the time, recants

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    40 years on death row and innocent! How many cases like this do we need to see? Enough already.